Lauren Shields
Communications Consultant

Lauren Shields
Communications Consultant

Editorial Work
A book and lots of articles, from social justice to tech and back again.
My Book
The Beauty Suit: How My Year of Religious Modesty Made Me a Better Feminist (Beacon Press, 2018) was based on an experiment I did where I stopped wearing makeup and covered my hair, arms and legs. It caused an international stir, and caused me to lose sleep for a good five years. Worth it.
I was raised by a journalist and, out of a misplaced sense of rebelliousness, swore I'd never be one. Ah, well. We are what we are, I guess.
5 Factors for Crafting a Thriving Virtual Community, Dropbox Design
My year of modesty, Salon
Dressing modestly, for feminism and faith, Salon
Dear Fellow White People: Go See “Black Panther”, Medium
From Bean to Cup: Goizueta Balances the Scale of Financial Equity for Female Coffee Farmers, Emory Business
Debut Authors Use Goizueta Networking Skills to Enter Publishing World, Emory Business
“It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way”: An Interview with André Henry, Sacred Matters Magazine
Misc. Nonprofit
I got to use my background in comedy and on-camera experience to tell some fun stories.
The Propwatch Project
I was hired as a staff writer but quickly recognized that we needed a clearer workflow and briefs for writers. Fortunately for me, my boss was receptive to my ideas for how to make that happen (or maybe he was tired of getting pieces he wasn't crazy about).
Infrastructure and development
The idea behind this site was that disinformation was "marketing gone rogue." We used memes and viral marketing to combat propaganda in late 2020 and early 2021, which required a lot of coffee and deep breathing exercises.